School Life
School Life
Wednesday 29 Nov 2023
Academic Developments at KCIS Junior High

Nurturing Individual Talents and Multilingual Skills

As the academic year unfolds, KCIS has witnessed remarkable developments aimed at enhancing the educational experience for its students. With a focus on personalised learning and catering to individual talents, these initiatives include the implementation of setting in mathematics, specialised English as a First Language (EFL) and English as a Second Language (ESL) programs, blended Chinese CSL/CFL classes, and the introduction of a Co-Curricular Activity (CCA) in IGCSE Environmental Management for eligible students in Grade 8. These advancements reflect KCIS School's commitment to providing a dynamic and inclusive academic environment. Let's explore the details of these academic developments.

Setting in Mathematics: At KCIS we recognise that students have different aptitudes and learning paces when it comes to mathematics. To address this, the school has introduced setting in mathematics, dividing students in G6 and 7 into regular and fast tracks based on their mathematical abilities and progress. Regular tracks offer a comprehensive curriculum designed to build a strong foundation in mathematical concepts, while the fast tracks provide accelerated learning opportunities for advanced students. In G8 we have three sets; regular who will sit IGCSE at the end of G10, fast who sit the exam at the end of G9 and advanced who will sit the IGCSE at the end of G8. This personalised approach ensures that each student receives tailored instruction and support to maximise their potential.

Specialised EFL and ESL Programs: In an increasingly globalised world, proficiency in the English language is crucial. To meet the diverse language learning needs of its students, KCIS has implemented specialised EFL and ESL programs. These programs cater to students who are non-native English speakers, helping them develop language proficiency in speaking, reading, writing, and comprehension. In G8 we have also introduced an advanced English class where students will study and analyse more complex texts. By providing targeted instruction and support, the EFL, ESL and advanced programs enable students to enhance their communication skills, academic performance, and overall confidence in using the English language.  

Blended Chinese CSL/CFL Classes: KCIS acknowledges the importance of maintaining a connection with students' country of residence language and culture. In response to this, the school has introduced blended Chinese CSL classes, where students from Grades 5 and 6, as well as Grades 7 and 8, come together. For CFL students will come together in one class per grade level. This unique approach promotes language learning and cultural exchange, allowing students to develop multilingual skills and a deeper understanding of Chinese. By creating a collaborative and supportive learning environment, KCIS nurtures students' linguistic abilities and cultural awareness.

IGCSE Environmental Management CCA for Gifted and Talented Students: KCIS places a strong emphasis on nurturing the talents and interests of its students. To provide them with an enriched learning experience, the school has established a Co-Curricular Activity (CCA) in IGCSE Environmental Management for eligible Grade 8 students. This CCA focuses on environmental studies, sustainability, and conservation, allowing students to explore their passion for the environment. Through hands-on activities and research projects, students deepen their knowledge of environmental issues, develop critical thinking skills, and cultivate a sense of responsibility towards the planet.

The academic developments this year at KCIS highlight our commitment to personalised education and the holistic growth of its students. Through the implementation of setting in mathematics, specialised EFL, ESL and advanced programs for English, blended Chinese CSL/CFL classes, and the introduction of the IGCSE Environmental Management CCA, the school caters to individual talents, nurtures multilingual skills, and fosters a sense of environmental consciousness among its students. By embracing these innovative approaches, KCIS ensures that each student receives a well-rounded education, preparing them to thrive in a diverse and interconnected world.